
décembre 19, 2018 Non Par admin

« The cheating Culture:
Why more Americans are doing wrong to get ahead. »

I found this speech really interesting. I already knew some things that he said, but I never wonder “why” people, now,cheat more and more in all areas of life. So this speech was a good answer to my questions.
The first thing that I didn’t know and which was really interesting is the fact that even if we cheat morethan few years ago, and it’s something which increase each year, we are also getting better in other areas like people commit suicide less, or also drugs fatalities are 62% less than 5 years ago. Wehave a crisis ethics in America. We want to get ahead to succeed in our life, so we cheat.
But why people cheat more and more?? I already knew overall things but I never looked at things from thisperspective.
There are 3 temptations which can explain this mentality:
* First, we cheat because the winners in our society are significantly above all other. The top 1% (celebrities) makes moremoney than the part with 99% of the other people. So we want to be part of this 1%. Even if a student is really good, and has really good grade, he cheats because he wants to stay at the top and to beperfect. We actually live now in a life of perfection.
* Second, we all want to live a comfortable life have a good job, good house and increasingly more of us are afraid to not be able to have thislife. We cheat to make life easier, because we know that life is hard, and we will always have to worry to get the next step in our life. According to a survey, college students are more stressedthan ever because everything is more and more expensive and hard.
So we cheat because we prefer security for life than a moral integrity.
* The third one is the fact that nobody is looking at if wecheat or not. Nobody is punished, and moreover, 44% of the faculties don’t do anything against students even if they know it.
At the end of the speech, he talked about the solutions. These ones are…