Histoire culturelle

décembre 25, 2018 Non Par admin

CyberCaféPro Version 3.8


Main Screen

The Main Screen consists of three main category buttons which are setup in the password protected administration form. These buttons can besetup to either open a subscreen (default) which contains more program buttons, or to run a program or website (setup). Before pressing one of the buttons, CyberCaféPro locks out the systementirely. Once a button is pressed, the timer starts, and the taskbar appears below, without the start button or icon tray. This is so the user can access any windows he has opened. When finished, pressingthe ‘End Session’ button hides the taskbar, locks all the mainscreen buttons, calculates the total cost (configurable), and flashes it on the screen. The system can only be restarted with a password,or once the Auto Reset time has expired (configurable).
The screen background, logo, and buttons are fully configurable in the admin screen. The ‘Instructions’ button in the top right of the screencontains the instructions for the customer to view, and can be edited in the administration screen. The ‘Administration’ button just below the ‘Instructions’ button is to access the administrationscreen, and once an admin password has been set, it must be entered into the password confirmation box which pops up in order to access the admin screen. Below the ‘Admin’ button is the exit password box,which exits CyberCaféPro completely with the proper password. If any passwords are entered incorrectly, an alert sound is played.

Login Window

Once in the admin screen, CyberCaféPro ishighly configurable.

Admin Screen

Screens & Buttons

When the the ‘Main’ button (upper left) is selected you can edit the background, logo, and buttons on the main program screen. Selecting the’Screen1′, ‘Screen2’, and ‘Screen3’ buttons lets you edit the background and buttons on the subscreens that appear when a user presses one of the mainscreen buttons.
After selecting one of the…