
août 26, 2018 Non Par admin

Géopolitique en anglais

Bibliographie :

Géopolitique Yves Lacoste Larousse

Atlas Le Monde Voir les différents pays ou régions Editions Autrement

Les Atlas Hors série Le monde Diplomatique

Le dessous des cartes Jean Christophe Victor Editions Arte et Tallandier

Atlas du monde global Pascal Boniface and Hubert Bétrine Armand Colin and Fayard

L’état du mon Sciences Po ladécouverte

Les différents atlas des peuples Jean et André Sellier

Monde rebelles Arnaud de la Grange édition Michalon

Les ouvrages et atlas Gérard Chaliand


Lecture I: What is strategy?

Strategy is a combination of thought, hope, and action. It requires four levels of realization:

– Intentions,

– goals,

– objectives,

– tactics.

2) Principle ofStrategy and globalization

Professor functions:

• Work a lot

• Try to know everything

• Give the essential

There is no truth in interpretation

There are fact (democratically, geographical,…). To understand each other we need common basis.

Now, we will try to explain a method for action and reflection, and try to explain what is astake (en jeu) after the economiccrisis.

Many facts prove that the changement is at a higher level.

In strategy you have 4 important levels:

General will: what you are looking for at the end.

1) Prior intention. We can’t look everything at the same time with the same involvement.

2) Goals. Which goals can make the intention possible?

3) Objectives: when you are near the reality you must reach differentsteps to improve. It’s the translation of the real life.

4) Everyday life where you have to find solutions.

You can’t which different thing at the same time.


• Principle of freedom.

• Concentration of strength.

• Ability of spearing you strengths for being able to be in dominant situation.

You have to check up if your organization was the best

3important verbs: correspond 3 strength

– To Will: You want to be superior than another at a certain point. You have to be strong against the opposition.

– To Can: means freedom of action. To be able to realize something. Logistic system ok.

– To know: is the ability to make the things possible. To know means a constant intelligence

The aim is to make these 3 verbs in accordanceto be able to set up your strategy and an operational system.

In the final exam, the teacher must feel: what do you what to prove? Taking the elements to support your arguments.

Less you develop strategy, more you are involved into the crowd.


Have at the appropriate time to

Strategy comes from stratus army, gy: to lead: strategy is to lead a behavior. Therefore, it’s amix of thinking during action. S means you are involve in action otherwise it’s perspective.

In the action all elements are cross and you have to cope with.

There is an upper level: political level: because it’s to help people to live one another.

S is to evaluate between what you can do and what you can

The idea of globalization

The word was first used in 1960 but more commonly usein the 1970. It became obvious that it was necessary to explain the facts. At that time, as you had only one super power (means that a power is at the top of the world in all these different things: military sector, economy, technology, cultural point of view, system of communication, education and the amount of poor people inside the power). Beginning of the 70’ and up to now, only one had allthese features is United-States.

It’s impossible to study any country or power without having in mind what is globalization.

At the end of the 90’ Olivier Dollfuss gave the general exchanges between different part of the planet. This all area became the place of all transactions. G became possible thanks to technical progress and great discoveries;

Rules of globalization:

– The…