
décembre 23, 2018 Non Par admin


I have always enjoyed Art from an early age. My earliest memory of this is painting canvases for my grand parents in my dad’s art studio. I can remember spending most of mychildhood just drawing everything from cats to witches and cartoon characters! This love of Art has stayed with me and developed and grown and, now, I really want to pursue doing it later on in mylife.
I really wanted to work within the Art and Design industry because it has always felt like the right direction for me to take. I have recently wanted to go to an Art school and I am working hardtowards it: I am feeling very excited about my future! I enjoy being creative and I view Art as a natural way for me to express myself. I specifically enjoy photography and paintings and how thisallows me to create images in a way that I see them. I enjoy working in a figurative way and I aim to make my work expressive and visually interesting through tone, contrast and colours. I feel like I amonly beginning to develop my own style and way of working. I also really enjoy portraiture work and using nude objects as subject matter.
I am now at my second year of IB art and I extremely enjoyit. I found this course very challenging but worthwhile, as it has made my understanding of the arts grow. I feel like it has helped me expand my skills within Art and have gained an understanding ofthe numerous disciplines within Art and Design. This course is slowly leading to specialising myself within a more focus approach to art. I enjoy creating images in response to a particular theme orartist. I like the creative freedom art allows me and the vast potential for work.
My interests include fashion and this has a big impact on my work especially when working with photography
I enjoyvisiting Art Galleries and exhibitions. I am particularly interested in figurative portraiture and art revolving around the theme of women. I have recently visited an exhibition about women artists at…