Web services

novembre 24, 2018 Non Par admin

First Call for Papers and Special Sessions The 4th International Symposium on Web Services (WSS’2011) Hammamet, Tunisia April 20-21, 2011 (www.miracl.rnu.tn/wss11)
Web services are emerging as amajor technology for deploying automated interactions between distributed and heterogeneous applications. Various standards support this deployment including WSDL, UDDI, and SOAP. These standardsrespectively support the definition of Web services, their advertisement to potential users, and finally their binding for invocation purposes. In general, composing Web services rather than accessing asingle Web service is essential and provides better benefits to users. After the previous three editions of the Web Services Symposium (WSS) at Zayed University, Dubai, U.A.E (www.zu.ac.ae/wss/), the 2011edition of the WSS will be organized in Hammamet, Tunisia on April 20th and 21st by the Multimedia, and InfoRmation systems and Advanced Computing Laboratory (Mir@cl), Sfax University, Tunisia.WSS’2011 aims to offer a forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners to present their latest research, results, ideas, developments, and applications of Web services. It will feature keynotepresentations, paper presentations, special sessions and demonstrations. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: • Standards for Web services • Semantic Web services • Context-aware Web services •Composition approaches for Web services • Security of Web services • Software agents for Web services composition • Supporting SWS Deployment • Architectures for SWS Deployment • Applications of SWSto E-business and E-government • Supporting Enterprise Application Integration with SWS • SWS Conversational Protocols and Choreography • Ontologies and Languages for Service Description • Ontologiesand Languages for Process Modeling • Foundations of Reasoning about Services and/or Processes • Composition of Semantic Web Services

The intended audience includes researchers…