The road 66

novembre 25, 2018 Non Par admin

I chose the road 66 as symbol of USA because it’s certainly the most popular road of USA ,it’s cross 8 states it’s long of 2448miles(4000 km),moreover it’s the 1rst road in tar who cross all of the continent ,furthermore this road is mythical because it’s use in lot of movies,book andpaint.
it’s begin is in the illonois and finish in california.

the road 66 start from chicago and arrive in santa monica near of los cross from East to West the Untited States of America ,his middle is in Texans
,she pass by eight states:
-The Missouri
-The Kansas-Oklahoma
-New mexico
-and to finish california
so she cross three time zone

The itinerary has been decided in 1926.Only2448 miles (about 4000 kilometers) of the road only 800 miles are (revétues);During the after war, the road 66 constitued a major itinerary
Theitinerary was decided in 1926.However, 2448 miles on the road, only 800 were paved. In the post war, Route 66 is a major route around which many cities aregrowing.?Hundreds of cafes, curio shops and service stations established along the road.? But in the mid 50s with the construction of the motorway, theroad loses usefulness.? Today, all the shops and who lived in villages 66 were abandoned, frozen in time. Countless ghost town and along the oldroad, always open to adventure travelers.? Tradition dictates that the travels from East to West, as European settlers and tourists of the 50s and the 60s.