Marketing international

novembre 25, 2018 Non Par admin


International Marketing – Fall 2010
1st Assignment

A Short explanation about International Marketing :

International marketing is essential that any company that wants to create, maintain or expand its customer base outside its domestic market.
Whether domestic or international marketing remains identical to its foundations and objectives. The fundamentaldifference lies in the complexity of the environment to manage. For the same product, the contexts of market may differ radically from one country to another, requiring companies to implement strategies separate marketing.
It’s a type of marketing which have for objective to develop the marketing strategy of the company for a geographical area including several countries.
Internationalisation can takedifferent forms, like export to a multinational, or to be based on methods which include : licensing agreements, partnerships, financial contributions … However, it sometimes there is severals difficulties linguistic, technical, logistical, legal, religious linguistic, belong to at each countries.
The mission for international marketing manager is to guide and to coordinate commercial developmentBusiness abroad

2.A short overview of Tipperary Mineral Water Company

Tipperary Mineral Water Company is a part of the Gleeson Group and has founed by Patrick and Nicholas Cooney in 1986. It has since flourished into a major national brand in the Euro Irish Bottled water market. The Tipperary source is located at Borrisoleigh in County Tipperary, where the Devil’s Bit mountains form a largenatural filter of unspoilt countryside.
Tipperary Natural Mineral Water is sourced at a depth of 300ft. Tipperary Natural Mineral Water was the first Irish bottled water to qualify for the European Unions « Natural Mineral Water » Status in 1987.
This company offers five products for customers. In fact, the list of this products are :

Tipperary Naturla Mineral Water Range
TipperaryWater Active Range ( 500Ml Bottle & 1Litre Bottle )
Tipperary Kidz Water Range
Tipperary Water Glass Botle Range ( 25 cl Bottle & 75 Cl Bottle )
Clearly Tipperary Flavoured Water Range

Tipperary Natural Mineral Water has become the No.1 choice for water coolers in offices, factories, canteens and homes throughout Ireland.

company get a lot of strenghts, I go to try to noteall of these.

3.The strengths of TMWC :

It is a vital product :
Everybody know this, the water is necessary for humans. The body is composed between 60% and 70% of water. This is why experts recommend that adults drink between 6-8 glasses of water each day.

This company offers a large range of products
This company offers 6 products : Tipperary Naturla Mineral Waer Range,Tipperary Water Active Range ( 500Ml Bottle & 1Litre Bottle ), Tipperary Kidz Water Range, Tipperary Water Glass Botle Range ( 25 cl Bottle & 75 Cl Bottle ) , Clearly Tipperary Flavoured Water Range.

24 years experience
This company was founded in 1986 by Patrick and Nicholas Cooney. This company have a solid and sound financial background.

A Important Financial Capital
So, it canafford to invest huge funds in marketing and R& ( net profit was 0.3€ million in 2005. )

This company is present and has opened up 12 export markets

Quality label
It’s the first Irish Bottled water to have marked “ Natural Mineral Water “. This company has received this status in 1987

A product 100% Natural
A natural filtration and receives no treatment to alter eitherthe chemical or microbiological quality of the water. Or rather, the water of this company is pumped from a single bore hole of 100 metres depth and The natural filtration resulting from slow permeation through the above rock strata ensures high quality and purity of the water.

A Major national brand.
A celebre brand throughout Ireland wih the slogan” Close your Eyes .. and taste the…