Le marketing

décembre 1, 2018 Non Par admin

What is marketed ?
Goods – Services – Events & Experiences – Persons – Places & Properties – Organization – Information – Ideas

Well blended communication = to elimate as much confusionon the mind of your consumer.
Credibily = PODs POPs
Internal communication = inside of the company
Long term perpective = where we want to go
Repositioning = to fix the positioningCUSTOMER-BASED BRAND EQUITY PYRAMID
RESONANCE -> relationships= what about you and me ?
Jugments and feelign -> response = what about yo ?
Performance imagery -> meaning = what are you ?
Salience-> Identity = Who are you ?

Salience Dimensions :
Depth of brand awareness : -Ease of recognition & recall
-strength @ clarity of cat. Membership
Breadth of brand awareness : -Purchaseconsideration
-Consumption consideration
Performance Dimension :
• primary characteristics @ supplementary features
• product reliability durability and serviceability
• service effectiveness,efficiency and empathy
• style and design
• Price

Imagery Dimension :
• user profiles :
* Demographic & psychographic characteristics
* Actual or aspirational (the people who want to)* Group perceptions – popularity
• Purchase & usage situations :
* type of channel, specific stores, ease of purchase
* time (day, week, month, year, etc.), location, and context of usage•Personality & values
* sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication & ruggedness
• History heritage & experiences
* nostalgia
* memories : lymbic part of the brain.Jugment Dimension :
• brand quality :
* value
* satisfaction
• brand credibility :
* expertise
* trustworthiness
* likability
•brand consideration :
* relevance (is it tohigh for the position ?)
• brand superiotity
* differenciation
Feelings Dimensions :
* Warmth
* Fun
* Excitement
* Security
* Social approval
* Self-respect
