Fiche analytique

septembre 19, 2018 Non Par admin

OUR nation is now engaged in a great debate about the future of health care in America.
Lori is currently self-employed and trying to start a business, but because she has hepatitis C, she cannot find an insurance company that will cover her. I hear more and more stories like these every single day, and it is why we are acting so urgently to pass health-insurance reform this year. I don’t haveto explain to the nearly 46 million Americans who don’t have health insurance how important this is. But it’s just as important for Americans who do have health insurance.
There are four main ways the reform we’re proposing will provide more stability and security to every American.
First, if you don’t have health insurance, you will have a choice of high-quality, affordable coverage foryourself and your family — coverage that will stay with you whether you move, change your job or lose your job.
Second, reform will finally bring skyrocketing health care costs under control, which will mean real savings for families, businesses and our government. We’ll cut hundreds of billions of dollars in waste and inefficiency in federal health programs like Medicare and Medicaid and inunwarranted subsidies to insurance companies that do nothing to improve care and everything to improve their profits.
Third, by making Medicare more efficient, we’ll be able to ensure that more tax dollars go directly to caring for seniors instead of enriching insurance companies. And our reforms will also reduce the amount our seniors pay for their prescription drugs.
Lastly, reform will provideevery American with some basic consumer protections that will finally hold insurance companies accountable. A 2007 national survey actually shows that insurance companies discriminated against more than 12 million Americans in the previous three years because they had a pre-existing illness or condition. We will put an end to these practices.
Our reform will prohibit insurance companies from denyingcoverage because of your medical history. Nor will they be allowed to drop your coverage if you get sick. And we will place a limit on how much you can be charged for out-of-pocket expenses. No one in America should go broke because they get sick.
This is what reform is about. If you don’t have health insurance, you will finally have quality, affordable options once we pass reform.
In theend, this isn’t about politics. This is about people’s lives and livelihoods. This is about people’s businesses. This is about America’s future, and whether we will be able to look back years from now and say that this was the moment when we made the changes we needed, and gave our children a better life. I believe we can, and I believe we will.
NOTRE nation est maintenant engagé dans un granddébat sur l’avenir des soins de santé en Amérique. Lori est actuellement indépendants et en essayant de démarrer une entreprise, mais parce qu’elle a l’hépatite C, elle ne peut pas trouver une compagnie d’assurance qui couvrent son. J’entends des histoires de plus en plus de ce genre chaque jour, et c’est pourquoi nous agissons de manière urgente à passer la réforme de l’assurance-maladie cette année.Je n’ai pas à expliquer aux Américains près de 46 millions qui n’ont pas d’assurance maladie quel point c’est important. Mais il est tout aussi important pour les Américains qui ne dispose d’une assurance santé. Il ya quatre façons principales de la réforme que nous proposons permettra une plus grande stabilité et sécurité à tous les Américains. Premièrement, si vous n’avez pas d’assurance santé,vous aurez un choix de haute qualité, la couverture abordable pour vous et votre famille – une couverture qui restera avec vous si vous déménagez, changez d’emploi ou perdez votre emploi. Deuxièmement, la réforme permettra enfin de la flambée des coûts des soins de santé sous contrôle, ce qui signifie des économies réelles pour les familles, les entreprises et notre gouvernement. On va couper…