African’s wine

septembre 13, 2018 Non Par admin

France is known in the world for his « art de vivre » and his big variety of wines but why the consumption of French wine decrease?
France has been the leader on wine market for years. Wine was aproduct for some people, because it was in cultures of some caste. France exported many of his brands in famous cities likes New York, Toronto, Shangaï, Tokyo, Moscow…
But trends change more quicklyand producers may fail reactivity in order to develop new brands, or more simply, to answer demand.

This phenomenon is accentuated with the emergence of new producer countries like South Africa!Today you can turn around the world and find in many countries wine which is product on place with a very good quality with sometimes low coast. It’s not hard to understand that consumers choose goodquality with low coast instead French wines which sometimes have unfair price.

Before trying to explain the success of African’s wine it’s good to precise some characteristics on the African vineyard.Jan Van Riebeck, browser Holland, landed in Cape Town in 1652 to found the East India Company. He began the history of wine in South Africa before the arrival of the first cuttings of vinesNetherlands and the first harvest in 1659. The first settlers who populated the region had few ideas about the culture of the vine and it will be 1679 and the arrival of a new governor, Simon Van Der Stel,so that effective changes were finally held. Having travelled a lot, it gave a strong impulsion to improving the quality of wines. He created the town of Stellenbosch (near Cape Town) based on thefirst center of wine country (still active today).

Today South Africa has about 4.435 wine producers (official figures for 2003).The caves are very well equipped through the efforts of talented andexperienced winemakers, some of whom come from countries in the northern hemisphere, major progress has occurred every year with the development of high quality wines, more and more adapted to…