Finance des societe

septembre 4, 2018 Non Par admin

CHAPTER 2 (Outline)

Individual Investor Life Cycle

1 The Preliminaries

1. Insurance
a. Life Insurance –provides lump-sum benefit to the heirs upon death of the insured person. Could provide cash value also depending on the type of plan
b. Health insurance – helps pay medical bills
c.Disability insurance – provides continuing income should the insured become unable to work
d. Automobile and home/rental insurance – provides protection against accidents and damage to carsor residences
2. Cash Reserve
a. Includes cash equivalents such as money market mutual funds
b. Equal to six months’ living expenses recommended by experts

B Life CycleInvestment Strategies (Exhibit 2.1)
1. Accumulation Phase – early to middle years of working career
2. Consolidation Phase – past midpoint of careers. Earnings exceed expenses
3.Spending/Gifting Phase – begins after retirement

2 Life Cycle Investment Goals

1. Near-term, high-priority goals – shorter-term financial objectives that individuals set to fund purchasesthat are personally important to them
2. Long-term, high-priority goals – include some form of financial independence, such as the ability to retire at a certain age
3. Lower-priority goals –these are not critical

I. The Portfolio Management Process (Exhibit 2.3)
1. Formulate a policy statement after determining the investor’s short-term and long-term needs as well as risktolerance
2. Study current financial and economic conditions and forecast future trends
3. Construct the portfolio
4. Evaluate portfolio’s performance, continuously monitor investor’sneeds and market conditions and update policy statement as needed

The Need for a Policy Statement

? The Policy Statement is a roadmap that guides the investment process. It

1 Helps…