
décembre 19, 2018 Non Par admin

Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch I
Mi, 16-18 Uhr, M6/002 WS 2009/10, Susan Brähler

TEXT 3 Students turn to ‘smart drugs’ to boost grades
Use ofbrain-enhancing drugs is on the rise, Thursday 1 October 2009

Students are increasingly using brain-boosting drugs – and they’re virtually impossible toban, an expert warned today. Drugs normally used for conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are being usedby students around the world to improve their academic performance. […] Vince Cakic, from the department of psychology at the University of Sydney, […] saidtoday that smart drugs were highly attractive to students […]. « High school and university are the primary competitive spheres of many people’s lives, and ones thathave significant bearing upon their lives, in terms of both career opportunities and future earning capacity. The pressure to succeed academically is veryreal, and in a climate in which high-stakes public examinations have increased demand for private tuition, it is likely that all avenues for performance enhancementwill be exhausted. » He said the failures and inconsistencies in the anti-drugs policy in sport could be mirrored when it comes to the use of smart drugs in theacademic world. « If the current situation in competitive sport is anything to go by, any attempt to prohibit the use of smart drugs will probably be difficultor inordinately expensive to police effectively. » […] « The possibility of purchasing ‘smartness in a bottle’ is likely to have broad appeal to students. »